Returns all sites in the network.

GET /search

Searches a site for any questions which fit the given criteria.

This method is intentionally quite limited. For more general searching, you should use a proper internet search engine restricted to the domain of the site in question.

At least one of tagged or intitle must be set on this method. nottagged is only used if tagged is also set, for performance reasons.

tagged and nottagged are semi-colon delimited list of tags. At least 1 tag in tagged will be on each returned question if it is passed, making it the OR equivalent of the AND version of tagged on /questions.

The sorts accepted by this method operate on the follow fields of the question object:

activity is the default sort. It is possible to create moderately complex queries using sort, min, max, fromdate, and todate.

This method returns a list of questions.


Parameter Description Optional Default Values
page Page number True
tagged Keywords False
pagesize Page Size True
site False stackoverflow stackoverflow: Stackoverflow superuser: SuperUser

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